August 21, 2016

Some Popular Quotations on Atheism

  • Religion is a dangerous Virus and Atheism is it's Anti-dote.
  • People generally talk about Freedom For Religion but nobody talks about Freedom From Religion.
  • Revolution without Atheism can not be Sustainably Succeeded.
  • Stop Worshipping, Stop Praying & Stop Begging but Start Meditating, Start Working & Start Sharing.
  • Existence is that which is, and God is that which is not. Existence is a reality, God is a fiction. 
  • Always try to disconnect the religion from god and try to connect it with culture.
  • If Science have made an Atom-Bomb then Religion have made hundreds of Human-Bomb.
  • God have not created us rather we have created them in our nonsense mind.
  • When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called Insanity and when many people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion.
  • The things which are truly natural are hidden from the others and are privately done inside the room but the things which are not real or imaginary or delusion are spread tremendously to the people from door to door.
  • If you really want to be free in terms of your thinking then you must not try to add an extra slavery in terms of culture and religion to your life.
  • The assertion that Atheism is just another religion is like claiming that a clean bill of health is just another disease.

1 comment:

sunil sharma said...

Jhakaaas...... mind blowing quotations....