October 5, 2016

Being Atheist

Being an Atheist simply means I recognise the fact that every god ever created by ancient men are just that, creations of men to serve their purposes.No religious claims of their gods have ever been proven with any factual information outside of their own books saying their gods are real. There are books about Batman and Spiderman and others, and stories about their acts are written, so why don't you try to telepathically summon up their help when you need it?

Reading their books as I have makes it obvious their gods were as ignorant as the men who wrote them in stating things that not only
have easily been disproved by Science, but as well as accurately researched historical data from ancient scholars and historians that make no such references to any of their claimed events or their gods supposedly creating the events.

Back in those ancient times superstitions ran rampant because people without real answers to real events lived in fear, and this fear is what was used against them to get them to be obedient to the men that created their gods. Religion is the practice of using peoples fears against them and the biggest fear of all is death.

The promise of an afterlife in bliss can seem tempting to many even in todays day and age which keeps people living in a slavery of the mind being led by men with only one mission in mind which is one of deceit to gain obedience, along with wealth and most of all control and power.

How can you laugh at how ancient Greeks believed in Zeus while you believe in jesus? Or Allah? Or any of the other 1,200+ gods being worshipped today. How can you openly admit that the ancient gods besides your own are only myths while refusing to believe your god is no differant? How can you not see In todays day and age people are still just as ignorant as those ancient tribal men in spite of knowing how to use a smartphone. How can you not see just how foolish It is to believe stories of Arks and Floods and Angels and Demons and invisible places to arrive at after death offering pleasure or pain. How can you not see how foolish it looks gathering in buildings on Sundays listening to a man read stories from a book that never happened and be commanded to stand sit and kneel like trained animals capped off with eating a whafer believing you are eating your gods body.

Believing as you do in all of these acts is claimed to be a faith, and my observance in this shows a lack of faith, a lack of faith in yourself and you need an imaginary placebo to give you a sense of false courage to get through life.You say you gain strength from your god when in fact you lose strength, you lose the ability to fully recognise what you are capable of doing on your own. Religion is a weakening process inflicted on people to beat them down mentally to leave them so desperate for hope they will grasp at anything no matter how absurd for some emotional relief.

I call these ancient tribal men that created their gods very ignorant people, when in fact they may have been more Intelligent than I give them credit for. They created something so powerfull that has lasted through the ages until now, and the reason it has is because they recognised the one thing people possess that makes it possible, Fear.

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